Was there ever a time as a kid that you couldn’t wait to jump into the pool?  Not only just jump in, but make a huge splash?  That’s when you needed to do a Cannonball!  At New Hope, we’re in a great season of excitement to see what God is going to do next in the life of the church and those who are a part of it.

In 2012 we started some huge initiatives to help us grow in outreach and generosity.  We called it “Cannonball: All in and Making Waves”.  As a church, we jumped all in and made some big waves that we experience the benefit from today!  We grew tremendously as a church and went from 1 Sunday worship gathering to 3 gatherings including a second campus in Northwestern Wayne County.

Now, in 2015, it’s time for us to do a bigger Cannonball and make a bigger splash in our community.  This time we’re “jumping all in to the community pool” with new initiatives like building relationships with and serving our local schools, creating better spaces for Jr. & Sr. High students, and developing a powerful Biblical counseling ministry to truly help “those who are broken find wholeness in Christ”.  Join us this May as we kick off a year long journey in… Cannonball 2!