As we kick off a New Year we will be focusing our hearts on the words of Jesus…  the words written in red through the gospels.  When we read his words we can understand the weight of his love and his authority.  He spoke only what the Heavenly Father told him to and what he shared flipped the religious world upside down.  Join us as we study the weight of what “Jesus Said” and how it can bring us true life.

JAN. 22 – FEB. 12

We are starting 2017 by focusing our lives on God through a season of Prayer & Fasting.  Fasting is a spiritual discipline that we see all throughout the scriptures.  We are created as a triune being with a Body, Soul, & Spirit.  We are so often distracted in our spiritual life because we feed our Body and Soul (emotions) with food, media, entertainment.  Fasting is a way of setting aside the things that feed our Body or Soul like certain foods, sweets, coffee or things that entertain us like facebook, tv, or mobile phones so that we can refocus our hearts and attention on God by feeding our Spirit through praying and spending intentional time in the Bible.  Download the “21 Day Prayer & Fasting Journal” and take the steps towards spiritual renewal this year!

2017 Sermon on Prayer & Fasting: