Re-watch the Easter Sermon:

We are better together…

Our community has experienced so much during this pandemic. Social distancing, fear, and isolation is the new normal.  Typically when tragedies happen, our community comes together, but Covid-19 has forced us to stay separate.

We decided that Easter should be different.  We thought about ways we can stay connected to each other and create an event that supports our community.  That’s what led us to host a Community Drive-in Easter Service on Sunday April 12th 10:30a at the Triway High School parking lot.

Everyone is welcome to come, park, tune in on your car radio as we broadcast worship, special prayer for our community and an Easter message from the roof of the High School.

We can come together, but still have social distancing in our cars.  We will also have some fun and meaningful ways to interact during the service.  We’d love to you have you join us and show everyone that we are united.

NOTE: 100% of Easter offerings will go towards community needs during this covid-19 pandemic.

Rules to abide by:

We want to keep everyone safe and healthy as we gather in our cars. 

  1. Those who should NOT attend:
      – Those with weakened immune systems, prone to illness and the elderly
      – If you have been ill recently or show any symptoms of being ill
  2. Do NOT carpool with others outside of your home.
  3. All in attendance must keep windows closed and do not make contact with individuals in other cars during the service
  4. Please follow all instructions given by the staff & volunteers for your health & safety

NOTE: This Easter service will be streamed live online as well at