Christmas Wonder – Sermon Series

Wonder: (noun) a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.

Do you have a great sense of wonder during the Christmas season?  Or… is it the same routine every year?  There’s always hustle and bustle with shopping, parties, family gatherings, church, and more.  This Christmas season we want to slow down our lives a bit and get back to the beautiful wonder of why we celebrate Christmas as Christ followers.  The way our savior entered into this world is a story full of wonder.  We hope you will join us as we recapture the “Christmas Wonder”.

We have room for you and your family to join us Sundays at 9:00am or 11:00am.  We will see you there!



Sermon Series – Philippians: God’s Glory, Our Joy

Do you want to live a life full of Joy?  We’re not just talking about happiness here… that only comes around when things are just right.  We’re talking about a deep sense of joyful satisfaction that goes beyond your circumstances, whether they are good or bad.

We are studying Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi in the Bible called “Philippians” this October – November.  Paul’s life was an example of what real joy looks like!



Equip – Leader Training Sign-up

Sermon Series – Godly Girls & Wild Women

When you think about the lineage of Jesus, what do you expect to see?  Perfect ancestors who had it all together?  People who were very religious made very few mistakes?  Well… you’d have to think again because there were some pretty amazing women in the lineage of Christ.

Like Tamar or Rahab, whose lifestyle and choices didn’t really line up the God’s law.  But, God took their imperfect lives and did some powerful things because of their choices.  Ruth was one that made great choices and honored God and she saw the fruits in her life because of it.

You won’t want to miss this series starting on Mother’s Day as we look at the lives of some “Godly Girls & Wild Women” of the Bible.


Dec. – Christmas at New Hope

Dec. 9 – Women’s Christmas Event

Dec. 23 – K!DS Pajama Movie Night
